We all know a few different types of normal backpacks or panniers, however, a bike backpack doesn't always ring a bell in the mind of every cyclist. This is a great pity because a bike backpack is huge and handy! With a bike backpack, you can combine the advantages of a bike bag and a backpack.
You might not expect it to be, but a bike backpack is very comfortable to cart around. Basil bike backpacks are fully padded, which is good for your back but what is even better is the fact that you can hook your bag to your bike's luggage rack while cycling. This not only saves your back from carrying weight but also prevents you from having a sweaty back when you arrive at your destination. In addition, cycling with your bag on the luggage carrier of your electric bike makes for a much more stable ride since the centre of gravity is lower than when you carry the bag on your back. A lot safer!
Whether you cycle to work every day and want to carry your laptop or tablet with you, or you're out for the day with a lot of extra provisions, our specially designed bike backpacks are ideal for transporting all your stuff and keeping them dry. Almost all Basil bicycle backpacks are waterproof or come with a rain cover to ensure that no moisture can reach the contents of your bag.
Bicycle backpacks come in all shapes and sizes and are suitable for different uses. Do you use an electric bike or scooter to get to work? If so, it might be convenient for you to keep your helmet in your backpack. The Basil B-Safe bike backpack is equipped with extra loops to which you can attach a helmet.