Do you think that double bags take up too much space? Then go for a single bicycle bag. Perfect for some small groceries or your work stuff. Almost all of Basil's single bicycle bags are suitable for the electric bicycle. Sure? Check here our offer for e-bikes.
You can easily take many of our single panniers from your bike. These Basil bicycle bags come with hooks, so you can easily hook the bag onto your luggage carrier. This makes the bicycle bags perfect for commuting. You easily pack your documents and laptop in and when you arrive at work, you simply click the bag from your bike and take it to your workplace. The hooks are neatly concealed behind a zipper, so no one can see that your bag also serves as a bicycle bag.
Not using your bike for a while? Basil has bicycle bags that come with a shoulder strap or handy handles. So even if you are not cycling, the bags are handy to take with you. Perfect to use as a handbag or workbag. Or take the bag into the shop so that you can store your groceries right away.
At first, you might think of a bicycle bag as a single bag on your luggage carrier. But a single bicycle bag is of course also a handlebar bag, a bag that you can attach to your handlebar. The handlebar bags are often slightly smaller than the regular single bicycle bags.
Looking for a bicycle pannier where even after 24 hours of rain your things will still remain dry? Then look at the special waterproof range from Basil. Here you will also find single bicycle bags, beautiful designs and e-bike proof bags!